Excel Filtering on Columns With a Space

Using the Filter or the Select Query in Excel is very easy to use. However the issues come up when there is a space in the column you are trying to Query, which results in a Bad Request error.

The Problem

Using the Filter or the Select Query can be limited on the Excel connector. The issues come up when there is a space in the column you are trying to Query, which results in a Bad Request error.

The Solution

A relatively easy fix would be to change the column name to have no spaces. Sometimes this is not viable or possible due to many systems talking to each other. Or perhaps a third party is supplying the Excel doc.

The fix in my example shows how to use the Select, and Filter array actions in Power Automate.
Select is used to select certain columns to output.
Filter Array is used to filter on certain conditions and values.

Step 1 – Add the Select action under the Excel List rows present in table action

The Map section is used by naming the column on the left, and selecting the column on the right

Step 2 – Add Filter array action under the Excel List rows present in table action

The Filter array action can be used for all types of Odata like filters


Some Actions have a limitation on the Odata filter and Select queries. Some examples include:

  • When filtering on Names with special characters
    • James O’ Henry
  • Columns with spaces

Thank you for reading.

One thought on “Excel Filtering on Columns With a Space”

  1. Thanks for the confirmation that this is the limitation in the Filter Query of the “List rows present in a table” action. I just updated the Excel table column header instead.


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